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Can mouthwash trigger an ignition interlock device?

On behalf of Epstein & Robbins • November 8, 2020

If you have been convicted of DUI in Florida, the court may order you to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed on your vehicle. Depending on the charge, a IID might be mandatory. IIDs may also necessary if you want your driver’s license reinstated.

IIDs are similar to a Breathalyzer. You blow into a tub, and if there is even a nominal amount of alcohol (a BAC of 0.025) on your breath, the IID prevents your car from starting. An IID may also require you to submit to a rolling retest, where you blow into the device while the vehicle is operational. However, it may come as a surprise just how sensitive an IID can be.

Could My IID Be Triggered If I Am Completely Sober?

It is possible for an IID to be triggered, preventing the car from starting, even if you have not consumed a beer, glass of wine or spirits. For example, if you use mouthwash that has alcohol in it, the IID may detect the alcohol, and stop your car from starting. If so, you will need to rinse your mouth with water and try again five minutes later. If you pass the second test, the IID will deem the initial test to have detected latent alcohol.

What Happens If I Do Not Pass The Retest?

If you do not retest or do not pass the retest, this will be counted as a violation against you. If you receive a violation letter, you have 10 days within the date on the letter to make an appointment with a licensed DUI program, which will go over the use of the IID with you and talk to you about the circumstances surrounding your violation.

IIDs Can Seriously Impact Your Life

Having an IID installed on your vehicle can seriously impact your life. These instruments are very sensitive and could stop you from driving even if you are not intoxicated. Being unable to drive can make it difficult to get to work, get to appointments, driving your family somewhere and run errands. These are all consequences that could majorly impact your well-being. If you are facing DUI charges in the Jacksonville area, you will want to develop a strong defense strategy that will lead to a reduction in charges or the charges being dropped entirely.

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